today i danced with You
on the empty top floor of a parking deck
when the morning mist still hung in the air.
We sang and danced and simply existed. together.
i breathed You in, cold winter air.
You ran through my reins
as my heart beat in time to Our song.
i sounded my yawp
and You echoed it in the wind,
sending it through the world we overlooked.
and in the soft light of the rising sun,
i was fully loved by You
and i was beautiful,
because You were with me.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
family and crazy hats
a lot of my extended family came down to visit this weekend, and it was wonderful to get to see them all. they had come for my aunt’s surprise party, and then we celebrated my grandparent’s 45 wedding anniversary. that is very typical of my family: always having some sort of party. We have some of the weirdest traditions, like getting a crazy hat to wear on your birthday. If you ever wish to see our collection, feel free to ask. the ridiculousness of it is quite impressive.
on Sunday night, at the anniversary dinner, everyone was giving toasts. it started out serious, with my grandparents each saying something about their marriage and family, and then turned into a joke to see how many toasts could be given. (my cousin ryan wins the award by dramatically standing up and announcing, “you all are looking at me right now,” and sitting down again.) but what I began to realize that my grandparents have taught me is just how important family is.
for as long as I can remember, my grandmother has wanted nothing more than a picture of all of her grand children for christmas. when I was little, this only meant another painful session at the Picture People. but she truly doesn’t want anything more than to be with her family. at the surprise party for my aunt, she was so excited to see all of her siblings, nieces, nephews, even her great aunt. but the most beautiful thing was watching my grandfather in the background, as everyone hugged and squealed and said their hello’s, tearing up at the sight of his family together.
my grandparents have gone through some really hard times with their families growing up, in their marriage, with their children, and now with their nieces, nephews, and grandchildren. It certainly hasn’t been easy. but family isn’t something that you can get rid of. they are always there, and they may not show it but they always love. I think that is something that we tend to forget and undervalue.
on Sunday night, at the anniversary dinner, everyone was giving toasts. it started out serious, with my grandparents each saying something about their marriage and family, and then turned into a joke to see how many toasts could be given. (my cousin ryan wins the award by dramatically standing up and announcing, “you all are looking at me right now,” and sitting down again.) but what I began to realize that my grandparents have taught me is just how important family is.
for as long as I can remember, my grandmother has wanted nothing more than a picture of all of her grand children for christmas. when I was little, this only meant another painful session at the Picture People. but she truly doesn’t want anything more than to be with her family. at the surprise party for my aunt, she was so excited to see all of her siblings, nieces, nephews, even her great aunt. but the most beautiful thing was watching my grandfather in the background, as everyone hugged and squealed and said their hello’s, tearing up at the sight of his family together.
my grandparents have gone through some really hard times with their families growing up, in their marriage, with their children, and now with their nieces, nephews, and grandchildren. It certainly hasn’t been easy. but family isn’t something that you can get rid of. they are always there, and they may not show it but they always love. I think that is something that we tend to forget and undervalue.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
yay pictures!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
you always hear people talk about their walk with God or walking with other christians, but so many times i think that we use that as one of our ready made church phrases that we can use, but have never taken the time to understand. i was walking to class today with a friend and i started to think about what it means to walk with someone.
when you walk beside someone, it isn't just something that happens. there are so many little things to think about. you have to set a pace, one that you both are comfortable with. and you must agree on a destination, otherwise you either run into each other or begin to walk away. sometimes you only walk part of the way with someone, and then your paths split. does one person slow down so that the other can cross and front and go on their way, or does the person cross behind their companion? when you come to a door, does one person hold the door open for the other, or do they walk through themselves and pause to make sure the other has the door?
then there are those funny situations that occur when people you don't know are walking around you. have you ever gotten stuck behind a slow walker when you have somewhere to be? it is one of the most frustrating things. today, a girl very slowly started walking in front of my friend and me, reading a newspaper as she walked. we had no way around her, and she was oblivious to the fact that we were there.
walking with people is an experience. my mother always told me to walk with a purpose, to know where you are going and get yourself there. but then, sometimes the best experiences come from when you get lost or are just having fun. sometimes you need to have an adventure, and go on a walk with no planned destination to see where you end up.
walking with someone implies a relationship. it is dynamic, always changing. it is an experience. often times, walking with someone makes you more conscious of them, and what they want.
Monday, October 20, 2008
more random picture taking
Thursday, October 9, 2008
north campus
Sunday, October 5, 2008
so i went on a retreat this weekend with the ministry i have been getting involved in (ccf). it was awesome. it was cool to have some time to rest in Go'd's presence after having a very hectic week, and i got to build some amazing relationships. but one of the coolest things was star gazing at night.
a few of us went down to a field that was out of sight from the cabin lights. we were in north georgia, in the mountains, so there was no other light pollution. we lay in the field and just looked up at the sky. i honestly don't think that i have ever seen so many stars in my life. it was absolutely captivating, and such an impressive display of God's glory. i also saw several shooting stars.
i started to think a lot about the light pollution in my life; the light that is so close and bright that you can't see much light in the distance. i am always surrounded by thoughts of what i need to do, how i feel, how i think someone perceives me, and basically anything that has to do with me. i surround myself so much with of my own light, that i can't see very many stars. i can't see the people around me that are so brilliant and beautiful. i miss out on relationships, and fail to see God reflected in other's lives because i can't see past myself.
so what would happen if i could step out of myself, my light pollution, and look around. how many people would i be able to truly see for the first time?
Friday, October 3, 2008
little things
Sunday, September 28, 2008
have you ever noticed that at the bottom of each post, where the comment thingy is, it will say 1 comments? does the grammatical incorrectness of that not bother anyone else?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
why do the words escape my grasp?
i reach and strive for them,
lunge and chase after them,
trying to express this.... thing.
how do i describe to you how it feels
for a heart to cry out to God?
i want to say it hurts,
but it doesn't.
it feels as though something so much bigger
than my human heart
has been placed inside my chest.
and this thing is alive,
pulsing through my veins.
and it feels with such passion,
at the core of its being
(which has become the essence of my being.)
a tumult of emotions:
a grief stronger
than i knew i could feel,
a joy far beyond
my frail understanding.
peace, calm, rejoicing, sorrow-
consuming me in flames,
burning my selfish ambition.
refining me.
making me terribly and wonderfully...
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
first real paper
so i have now written my first real paper in college. it was for my religion class. the assignment was to write about your on beliefs using religiology (which breaks down religion into different sections to better understand a system of beliefs). i thought it was pretty cool, although it took me a lot longer to write than i had anticipated. it was cool to sit down and have to define what i believe. i also got excited because i was explaining something, i would think of scriptural support to use. it was cool to see that even though i don't know God's word nearly as well as i should, i can still back up what i believe with it.
basically what religiology does is break things down into a bunch of different categories to see how religion answers different questions. for instance, you could look at how it addresses teleology, which asks what the meaning of life is. i guess the point is that it is good to know what you believe and why. i realize that isn't exactly a new idea to pretty much anyone who may read this, as i don't think many people do.
the only problem i had with this assignment is that i have classifying my faith as religion. there is something about that word that makes me almost want to rebel. i think that it is because i have seen and heard about so many people that have been hurt by our "religion". it often times is turned into a game almost, and if you can't play it well enough, you get kicked out or wind up being hurt. but that isn't what it was supposed to be. i shouldn't hesitate in some situations to use the word christian to describe myself, but i do. i don't want people to apply so many of the stereotypes that go along with it to me. i feel like i will automatically be thought of as pushy, judgmental, or hypocritical. is that really the way the church has portrayed its self? it kind of makes me sad to think about.
anyway, these were just things i had been thinking about. now i need to be thinking about how i portray all of those negative things in my life and start fixing that.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
i am large. i contain multitudes.
i am confused and have perfect clarity and frustrated and happy and content and restless and longing for something more and excited and scared to death and somehow feeling safe. if only i made sense, even to myself.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
i'm here!
so college is not at all like i expected. and yet kind of what i expected. but then i didn't know really what to expect. i have a giant field right across from my dorm that i love more that i can describe. it's nice to go sit under a tree and read, or play frisbee with people that i don't know (by the way, that whole college kids play frisbee thing is actually true) or just hang out with friends. it's also nice that i have some friends from high school that i have been hanging out with a lot. but we all have meet a few new people that we get along really well with who spend a lot of time with us. its kind of funny, because we have a group forming. and since i am in a suit, and we have a living room, people come hang out in our room a lot. it's cool. i also really like the teachers that i have had so far (i meet two more today). so i think that this year is going to be good, but hard. i know that it least a few of my classes are going to be a lot of work.
i also think that i am really going to like the wesley foundation (one of the christian ministries). i went to the freshmen night, and i really liked it. everyone seemed sincere and excited that we were there. the upper class-men seemed to be almost like a family. the atmosphere in general reminded me of altaer.
another cool thing that i got to do is have worship on a field in north campus. it wasn't hosted by any one group, which was cool. it was just the kind of thing that you show up and leave when you want. you could sit, stand, dance, sing, talk, or basically do whatever. it was a way of starting out the year in fellowship and praise to God. it was also a time for us to be sent into the campus and city. there is a verse in romans that says you have to be sent, and that's what it felt like to me. it was also really cool just to sit in the grass, under the sky, and worship God. it was beautiful to hear the voices. there were no microphones or speakers. just some guitars, a drum, and about 200 voices.
something hit me during one of the songs. before it, i was a little frustrated with myself because i felt distracted and like i wasn't getting anything out of worship. but as we repeated the line. "i trust in You," i just started crying. but i was at peace. i just kind of sat there and let the tears fall. because i knew. i knew in that moment that this year is going to be hard. and i knew that i was going to have a lot of thing stripped away from me. but like He has been teaching me for the past 6 months, He will be faithful. so even though it is my automatic reaction to start thinking that i am scared and i don't want to go trough this season, that's a lie. i'm not afraid. i'm at peace. if anything, i'm excited. because i think that i'm about to learn a lot. i also know that if i have nothing else, i will have God. He has promised to keep me, and i trust in Him.
and now i have to go to class.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
so as i am about to head off to college (4 days), everyone keeps asking me the same question: are you excited? and i don't know quite how to respond. i am excited, but not as excited as i thought that i would be. i have been wanting to move out and experience living on my own for some time now. and i'm still looking forward to that, but not with the urgency that i used to feel. and i am really excited to meet new people. but i'm dreading having to say good bye to the people that i already know. i have been able to start (or deepen) so many relationships with people over the last year or two, and i am going to desperately miss seeing them regularly. i feel like that one feeling is holding me back from feeling the way i thought that i would right now. so i don't really know the point of this post. i guess i was just bored.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
do you ever wonder if you use your fears to rationalize a decision because it is what you want, rather than just surrendering it to God? but i also think that sometimes we have certains fears, or the very least anxiaties, that are put in our hearts by God to help guide us. so how do you tell which is which? now i realize that the answer to that is that you pray about it. however i seem to like to cling to the feeling that i am completely responsible for every decision. and even though i pray about it and i tuely want God's imput/guidence/ability to take control when i am stupid and can only see what is directly infront of my face, rather than what is in the future, i still seem to be grasping for control. i will feel overwhelmed by a decision, but i some times think that it is supposed to be that way. if it is a big decision, isn't it natural to freak out over it? but i know that i don't need to. there is a verse in philipians that says not to worry about anything, but to pray about everything. God has promised me a peace beyond my understanding if i can just manage to let go and let Him take control. and that feeling that i should be freaking out is completely something of the world because it is directly contradicted in the word. i know this, but i still see, rather incapeable of relinquishing the ever sought after control. so basically, i don't know how people put up with me when i seem to thuroughly frustrate myself. i do have the amazing ability to be completely irrational. by the way, this is totally just me ranting. if you read this and are now as confused as i am, i apologize. actually, if you read this at all, i apologize. now if you are one of those people who lets their gaze wander down the page and randomly picks out words, and happen to see enough to know that you don't need to read this, i congratulate you on saving time. and at this point, i am rambling and should probably shut up now.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
why does it seem so hard to listen sometimes? i can try to be quiet and hear God's voice, but my own thoughts are screaming too loudly. it gets rather annoying.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
costa rica
i just got home from costa rica and i am now ready to go back. it may very well be the most beautiful place in the world. every morning the clouds are beautiful and low, so they come down and cover the tops of the mountains that are absolutly everywhere that you look. it is... breath taking. and the culture is amazing. i loved it. there is such a sense of community there. it's sad, because you can see a giant hole that is waiting for God to fill it in the culture, but it is still beautiful.
i'm not going to tell about everything that we did right now, because it would take forever and i'm sure you would stop reading about a third of the way through. if you want to hear details, i would love to hang out with you and tell stories. just be warned that i may not shut up. :)
there are a couple of thing that i want to write about, though. both are more things that i learned that stories. i learned a lot about how faithfull God is just throught the entire process of this trip. it started and winter camp when diego (the missionary that we worked with) was the speaker. he told a lot about his life. to sum it up, God would tell him to go somewhere and he would go, trusting that God would provide the means of getting there. well, God told me to go to costa rica. but i was freaking out about getting enough money to pay for it. despite that, i said yes. my parents paid the deposit, and God used sponsors to provude more money than i was required to raise. it was awesome and an encouraging way to start the trip. He was also faithful when i had to give my testimony. i had been thinking about it and had a general idea of what God wanted me to say. the problem was that when i tried to write it out, it took up three pages of me rambling, and when i tried to go through it in my head, i couldn't seem to form coherent sentences. so when aaron told me that i was going to give my testimony the first time, my stomach natrurally tied its seld into knots and i was sort of freaking out. so i got up there with out knowing what i was going to say and some how spoke without stumbling and rambling. clearly, they weren't my own words because i didn't have any. He provided people for the kid's camps and youth services when we thought that no one would come. He also gave me comfort and support through His word when i needed it. God was so faithfull on this trip, and it was really encouraging for me. i've been freaking out a little since i'm about to go to college. i'm so afraid that i will lose faith when i'm there. but God showed me through this trip that He will be faithfull.
i also learned a lot about encouragement. it was awesome to go and lend support to the local churches and programs that are in the guanecate area right now. we were in charge of the sunday service and a local church the first sunday that we were there, and the pastor started to thank us for what we were doing. He said that in their culture, it is so rare to see teenagers who truely love God and wish to serve Him. the pastor also said that it gave him hope that the youth in that community can come to love God as well. two guys who were Christians and came to the youth camp we held also got up the last day and said that it was encouraging and refreshing for them to have that time immersed in God and seeing us share our faith. that was really exciting. but that wasn't all. we were encouraged by them. at the church that i mentioned earlier in this paragraph, i got to help with the sunday school for little kids. the woman that usually do it were there with us to help out. they didn't speak any english and i don't speak any spanish, but every now and then, while the kids were decorating hearts, we would glance at each other and they would give me the most welcoming smile. it was clear that they really cared about me and appreciated that i was there, even though they didn't know me. we also got to help out at a youth group and were greatly encouraged by some of the guys there. there were two guys in their band who spoke english and were just really friendly. there was another guy who seemed to take charge a lot who didn't speak english, but clearly was in love with God. it was great to see these guys reach out to a community where it is frowned upon to live out your faith. the intire trip was like that. wether is was a smile, a conversation, or just some one's laugh, we were constantly being encouraged.
it basically was an amazing trip and i would love to tell more stories if you want to hear them. so call me or e-mail me or something.
i'm not going to tell about everything that we did right now, because it would take forever and i'm sure you would stop reading about a third of the way through. if you want to hear details, i would love to hang out with you and tell stories. just be warned that i may not shut up. :)
there are a couple of thing that i want to write about, though. both are more things that i learned that stories. i learned a lot about how faithfull God is just throught the entire process of this trip. it started and winter camp when diego (the missionary that we worked with) was the speaker. he told a lot about his life. to sum it up, God would tell him to go somewhere and he would go, trusting that God would provide the means of getting there. well, God told me to go to costa rica. but i was freaking out about getting enough money to pay for it. despite that, i said yes. my parents paid the deposit, and God used sponsors to provude more money than i was required to raise. it was awesome and an encouraging way to start the trip. He was also faithful when i had to give my testimony. i had been thinking about it and had a general idea of what God wanted me to say. the problem was that when i tried to write it out, it took up three pages of me rambling, and when i tried to go through it in my head, i couldn't seem to form coherent sentences. so when aaron told me that i was going to give my testimony the first time, my stomach natrurally tied its seld into knots and i was sort of freaking out. so i got up there with out knowing what i was going to say and some how spoke without stumbling and rambling. clearly, they weren't my own words because i didn't have any. He provided people for the kid's camps and youth services when we thought that no one would come. He also gave me comfort and support through His word when i needed it. God was so faithfull on this trip, and it was really encouraging for me. i've been freaking out a little since i'm about to go to college. i'm so afraid that i will lose faith when i'm there. but God showed me through this trip that He will be faithfull.
i also learned a lot about encouragement. it was awesome to go and lend support to the local churches and programs that are in the guanecate area right now. we were in charge of the sunday service and a local church the first sunday that we were there, and the pastor started to thank us for what we were doing. He said that in their culture, it is so rare to see teenagers who truely love God and wish to serve Him. the pastor also said that it gave him hope that the youth in that community can come to love God as well. two guys who were Christians and came to the youth camp we held also got up the last day and said that it was encouraging and refreshing for them to have that time immersed in God and seeing us share our faith. that was really exciting. but that wasn't all. we were encouraged by them. at the church that i mentioned earlier in this paragraph, i got to help with the sunday school for little kids. the woman that usually do it were there with us to help out. they didn't speak any english and i don't speak any spanish, but every now and then, while the kids were decorating hearts, we would glance at each other and they would give me the most welcoming smile. it was clear that they really cared about me and appreciated that i was there, even though they didn't know me. we also got to help out at a youth group and were greatly encouraged by some of the guys there. there were two guys in their band who spoke english and were just really friendly. there was another guy who seemed to take charge a lot who didn't speak english, but clearly was in love with God. it was great to see these guys reach out to a community where it is frowned upon to live out your faith. the intire trip was like that. wether is was a smile, a conversation, or just some one's laugh, we were constantly being encouraged.
it basically was an amazing trip and i would love to tell more stories if you want to hear them. so call me or e-mail me or something.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
so i have been thinking a bit about college recently, probably because i have orientation the next two days, and this is what i came up with:
i'm scared.
i'm not scared that i won't make friends or fit in or anything like that. those things only make me nervouse, but not scared.
i think that i'm primarily afraid of two things. the first being that i will fall away from God. i've seen it happen to so many people and i've seen how it affects the people around them. i'm at a point right now where i'm realizing how much i need God. and it's not for any particular thing. i just need Him with me all of the time. and i love that! i love the feeling of having my God with me all of the time and the comfot that i get just from knowing that He is there. so i don't want to lose that feeling. i want to hold onto it as long as i can.
but the main thing that i'm afraid of is that it's going to hurt. that is an awkward statement, i realize, so let me explain. i have always desired sympathy and empathy. it's something that i've always seemed to want, even when i was little. it is also something that i have prayed that God blesses me with, and He has, even though i often times lose sight of it. i can understand what paul was talking about in 2 corinthians 11:9 when he says, "Who is weak, and I do not feel weak? Who is led into sin, and I do not inwardly burn?" when i see people who are hurting or engulfed is sin, or just far away from God, it breaks my heart.
i've been pretty sheltered through out college. if you know me, you probably won't argue with that. i'm aware of some of the crap that went on in high school, but i wasn't surrounded by it very much. actually, a lot of my friends are chirstians. but i'm not going to have my little protective bubble in college. i'm going to see all of the ways that people try to fill the void that only God can, and i know that it will break my heart. so i'm afraid that my heart will hurt all of the time and that i will lose sight of God's goodness and the joy that He gives me.
now for the epiphany part. during the bible study today we were going through the first part of ephisians schapter 3. verse 7 says, "I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God's grace given me through the working of his power." paul also talked a lot about his sufferings for Christ in this passage. so maybe this is my suffering for Christ: that i feel other's pain. i serve Him by truely caring for others. but it is by the gift of His grace that i can do this, and i serve His gospel, the news that Christ has won the battle. so yes, emotionally it will be painful. but if i rejoice that i am counted worthy to suffer, then it's all worth it. so i don't really need to be afraid.
i'm not sure if that actually explained anything or made sense. i guess what i mean it that i will welcome having my heart break for others, and that i will do it with joy, because my God is a wonderfull, good, big, paradoxical God. and hopefully i will be able to look back and read this during the year so that i won't lose sight of this. well, actually, it will most likely be so that i can remind myself when i do inevitably lose sight of this.
i'm scared.
i'm not scared that i won't make friends or fit in or anything like that. those things only make me nervouse, but not scared.
i think that i'm primarily afraid of two things. the first being that i will fall away from God. i've seen it happen to so many people and i've seen how it affects the people around them. i'm at a point right now where i'm realizing how much i need God. and it's not for any particular thing. i just need Him with me all of the time. and i love that! i love the feeling of having my God with me all of the time and the comfot that i get just from knowing that He is there. so i don't want to lose that feeling. i want to hold onto it as long as i can.
but the main thing that i'm afraid of is that it's going to hurt. that is an awkward statement, i realize, so let me explain. i have always desired sympathy and empathy. it's something that i've always seemed to want, even when i was little. it is also something that i have prayed that God blesses me with, and He has, even though i often times lose sight of it. i can understand what paul was talking about in 2 corinthians 11:9 when he says, "Who is weak, and I do not feel weak? Who is led into sin, and I do not inwardly burn?" when i see people who are hurting or engulfed is sin, or just far away from God, it breaks my heart.
i've been pretty sheltered through out college. if you know me, you probably won't argue with that. i'm aware of some of the crap that went on in high school, but i wasn't surrounded by it very much. actually, a lot of my friends are chirstians. but i'm not going to have my little protective bubble in college. i'm going to see all of the ways that people try to fill the void that only God can, and i know that it will break my heart. so i'm afraid that my heart will hurt all of the time and that i will lose sight of God's goodness and the joy that He gives me.
now for the epiphany part. during the bible study today we were going through the first part of ephisians schapter 3. verse 7 says, "I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God's grace given me through the working of his power." paul also talked a lot about his sufferings for Christ in this passage. so maybe this is my suffering for Christ: that i feel other's pain. i serve Him by truely caring for others. but it is by the gift of His grace that i can do this, and i serve His gospel, the news that Christ has won the battle. so yes, emotionally it will be painful. but if i rejoice that i am counted worthy to suffer, then it's all worth it. so i don't really need to be afraid.
i'm not sure if that actually explained anything or made sense. i guess what i mean it that i will welcome having my heart break for others, and that i will do it with joy, because my God is a wonderfull, good, big, paradoxical God. and hopefully i will be able to look back and read this during the year so that i won't lose sight of this. well, actually, it will most likely be so that i can remind myself when i do inevitably lose sight of this.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
really good song
"God Of This City - Chris Tomlin" Lyrics
You're the God of this city
You're the King of these people
You're the Lord of this nation
You Are
For there is no one like our God
There is no one like our God
Greater things have yet to come
Great things are still to be done
In this city
Greater things are still to come
And greater things are still to be done here
You're the Lord of Creation
The Creator of all things
You're the King above all Kings
You Are
You're the strength in our weakness
You're the love to the broken
You're the joy in the sadness
You Are
Greater things have yet to come
Great things are still to be doneI
n this city
Where glory shines from hearts alive
With praise for you and love for you
In this city
Greater things have yet to come
Great things are still to be done
In this city
Greater things are still to come
And greater things are still to be done
You're the God of this city
You're the King of these people
You're the Lord of this nation
You Are
For there is no one like our God
There is no one like our God
Greater things have yet to come
Great things are still to be done
In this city
Greater things are still to come
And greater things are still to be done here
You're the Lord of Creation
The Creator of all things
You're the King above all Kings
You Are
You're the strength in our weakness
You're the love to the broken
You're the joy in the sadness
You Are
Greater things have yet to come
Great things are still to be doneI
n this city
Where glory shines from hearts alive
With praise for you and love for you
In this city
Greater things have yet to come
Great things are still to be done
In this city
Greater things are still to come
And greater things are still to be done
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
do i contradict myself?
very well then, i contradict myself.
i am large.
i contain multitudes.
-walt whitman
i adore this quote. it basically describes my life.
now, i feel that i need to qualify that statement. one would initally read that and think that i am a hypocrite. being human and imperfect, there are certainly times where i say one thing and do another. but i don't think that is what this is talking about. it's more of a paradox, where two seemingly contradictory statements actually makse sense.
it's laughing while you cry,
crying while you laugh,
feeling joy in the middle of sadness,
finding beauty in brokeness.
it makes me think of a david crowder song, "beautiful collision". one of the lines is, "the heart breaking makes a sound, beautiful and loud."
how is a broken heart beautiful? that's not what most people would think of. they would think of pain, sadness, lonliness, and other negative things. but not beauty. so try looking at it a different way. it's beautiful to be able to look around at the pain and suffering in the world have it break your heart because it breaks God's heart. you begin to see that the sin in the work has hurt people and messed everything up, but God still loves them beyond anything that we could imagine.
it is so beautiful to know that when everything and everyone has hurt you and let you down, and you feel totally and utterly forsaken, God is there. and suddenly, it doesn't hurt as much.
i keep trying to explain exactly what i am feeling and thinking so that it makes sense, but i can't. i just seem to earase line after line, and keep deletign paragraphs. and i realized that it is because i can't make sense of this. you can't look at it from the world's point of view. if you aren't in love with God, you wouldn't understand how i can ask God to do what ever it takes, however horrible that may be, to make some one see Him, and still say that i love that person. you wouldn't understand why i would ask God to break my heart with what breaks His. and you wouldn't understand why i would pray that i die to myself every day, asking for help in making others the focus of my life. you wouldn't understand any of this, because you would be looking at it from the world's point of view.
but if you look at it in view of God's mercy, then God is all that matters.
i lose sight of that so much, that nothing but God really counts. but every now and then, i get a glimps of what that means and there is nothing more glorious.
very well then, i contradict myself.
i am large.
i contain multitudes.
-walt whitman
i adore this quote. it basically describes my life.
now, i feel that i need to qualify that statement. one would initally read that and think that i am a hypocrite. being human and imperfect, there are certainly times where i say one thing and do another. but i don't think that is what this is talking about. it's more of a paradox, where two seemingly contradictory statements actually makse sense.
it's laughing while you cry,
crying while you laugh,
feeling joy in the middle of sadness,
finding beauty in brokeness.
it makes me think of a david crowder song, "beautiful collision". one of the lines is, "the heart breaking makes a sound, beautiful and loud."
how is a broken heart beautiful? that's not what most people would think of. they would think of pain, sadness, lonliness, and other negative things. but not beauty. so try looking at it a different way. it's beautiful to be able to look around at the pain and suffering in the world have it break your heart because it breaks God's heart. you begin to see that the sin in the work has hurt people and messed everything up, but God still loves them beyond anything that we could imagine.
it is so beautiful to know that when everything and everyone has hurt you and let you down, and you feel totally and utterly forsaken, God is there. and suddenly, it doesn't hurt as much.
i keep trying to explain exactly what i am feeling and thinking so that it makes sense, but i can't. i just seem to earase line after line, and keep deletign paragraphs. and i realized that it is because i can't make sense of this. you can't look at it from the world's point of view. if you aren't in love with God, you wouldn't understand how i can ask God to do what ever it takes, however horrible that may be, to make some one see Him, and still say that i love that person. you wouldn't understand why i would ask God to break my heart with what breaks His. and you wouldn't understand why i would pray that i die to myself every day, asking for help in making others the focus of my life. you wouldn't understand any of this, because you would be looking at it from the world's point of view.
but if you look at it in view of God's mercy, then God is all that matters.
i lose sight of that so much, that nothing but God really counts. but every now and then, i get a glimps of what that means and there is nothing more glorious.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Work Crew
work crew was this weekend. it was amazing. i had never been to sharp top cove before, but it is beautiful. i love the mountains. maybe i will live there some day. i was on the am cook crew, which was a lot of work, but good. it was great, because after spending about 8 hours in the kitchen, josh, josh, chelsea, and i waded in a little stream and explored the woods a little. i spent some time in the stream with erin too, wich was nice. and laying in the grass. it was cool, because after working pretty hard, it was nice to just be. and know that He is God. i don't think that we do that enough. but i'm not sure if i would have had the energy to keep working in the kitchen that night and the next day if i couldn't just be with God.
it was also great to be with some of the college guys. i didn't realize how much i missed them untill they were back. and it's kind of funny, because i was never really close to some of them. and i didn't have a chance to talk for extended periods of time with some of them. it was just nice to have them around, to be there with them.
i think that is how i feel about God some times. you don't always have to be in the middle of a conversation with him, or be reading the Bible, or journaling something. i mean, those are all good things, don't get me wrong. and we should do them, but we also need to stop and just be with Him. never under estimate the power of a comfortable silence.
To change the subject, I was thinking about Spoon River Anthology, wich is one of my favorite books. these are possible two of my favorite poems in the book.
16. Reuben Pantier
WELL, Emily Sparks, your prayers were not wasted,
Your love was not all in vain.
I owe whatever I was in life
To your hope that would not give me up,
To your love that saw me still as good.
Dear Emily Sparks, let me tell you the story.
I pass the effect of my father and mother;
The milliner’s daughter made me trouble
And out I went in the world,
Where I passed through every peril known
Of wine and women and joy of life.
One night, in a room in the Rue de Rivoli,
I was drinking wine with a black-eyed cocotte,
And the tears swam into my eyes.
She thought they were amorous tears and smiled
For thought of her conquest over me.
But my soul was three thousand miles away,
In the days when you taught me in Spoon River.
And just because you no more could love me,
Nor pray for me, nor write me letters,
The eternal silence of you spoke instead.
And the black-eyed cocotte took the tears for hers,
As well as the deceiving kisses I gave her.
Somehow, from that hour, I had a new vision—
Dear Emily Sparks!
17. Emily Sparks
WHERE is my boy, my boy—
In what far part of the world?
The boy I loved best of all in the school?—
I, the teacher, the old maid, the virgin heart,
Who made them all my children.
Did I know my boy aright,
Thinking of him as spirit aflame,
Active, ever aspiring?
Oh, boy, boy, for whom I prayed and prayed
In many a watchful hour at night,
Do you remember the letter I wrote you
Of the beautiful love of Christ?
And whether you ever took it or not,
My boy, wherever you are,
Work for your soul’s sake,
That all the clay of you, all of the dross of you,
May yield to the fire of you,
Till the fire is nothing but light!...
Nothing but light!
it was also great to be with some of the college guys. i didn't realize how much i missed them untill they were back. and it's kind of funny, because i was never really close to some of them. and i didn't have a chance to talk for extended periods of time with some of them. it was just nice to have them around, to be there with them.
i think that is how i feel about God some times. you don't always have to be in the middle of a conversation with him, or be reading the Bible, or journaling something. i mean, those are all good things, don't get me wrong. and we should do them, but we also need to stop and just be with Him. never under estimate the power of a comfortable silence.
To change the subject, I was thinking about Spoon River Anthology, wich is one of my favorite books. these are possible two of my favorite poems in the book.
16. Reuben Pantier
WELL, Emily Sparks, your prayers were not wasted,
Your love was not all in vain.
I owe whatever I was in life
To your hope that would not give me up,
To your love that saw me still as good.
Dear Emily Sparks, let me tell you the story.
I pass the effect of my father and mother;
The milliner’s daughter made me trouble
And out I went in the world,
Where I passed through every peril known
Of wine and women and joy of life.
One night, in a room in the Rue de Rivoli,
I was drinking wine with a black-eyed cocotte,
And the tears swam into my eyes.
She thought they were amorous tears and smiled
For thought of her conquest over me.
But my soul was three thousand miles away,
In the days when you taught me in Spoon River.
And just because you no more could love me,
Nor pray for me, nor write me letters,
The eternal silence of you spoke instead.
And the black-eyed cocotte took the tears for hers,
As well as the deceiving kisses I gave her.
Somehow, from that hour, I had a new vision—
Dear Emily Sparks!
17. Emily Sparks
WHERE is my boy, my boy—
In what far part of the world?
The boy I loved best of all in the school?—
I, the teacher, the old maid, the virgin heart,
Who made them all my children.
Did I know my boy aright,
Thinking of him as spirit aflame,
Active, ever aspiring?
Oh, boy, boy, for whom I prayed and prayed
In many a watchful hour at night,
Do you remember the letter I wrote you
Of the beautiful love of Christ?
And whether you ever took it or not,
My boy, wherever you are,
Work for your soul’s sake,
That all the clay of you, all of the dross of you,
May yield to the fire of you,
Till the fire is nothing but light!...
Nothing but light!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
i want to write something, but i'm not sure what. i want it to be profound and life changing. a good poem, perhaps, that moves someone to tears or makes someone seriously reconsider a part of their life. i want to teach some great piece of wisdom to anyone who happens to read this, something that they will pass down through generations. i want to some how leave a mark on someones life. but i don't want it to be a scar. anyone can leave a scar. why, people wound each other with out even realizing it. we all walk around with these gaping wounds that we try to keep out of sight. but i want to write something that heals. i want to fix that wound and stop the hurt. the problem is that i don't have anything profound to say, so that's not really going to happen in this post.
i think that so many days, i walk around and feel like i have done absolutly nothing in people's lives. i feel like i have this amazing love and joy and healing in God and that i should be spreading it to every one that i know, so they don't have to hurt any more. but i look at the lives of people that i have known for years and i don't really see much healing. it often times feels like i am failing them. now i'm leaving for college after this summer. it kind of scares me that there are people i know that i won't see or talk to very much next year who are still so broken. how can i heal them it i'm not there? and then i have to realize how self centered that is, because it's not me doing the healing. it's God. but i still feel like i should be doing more and i'm not always sure how, or even if i can. it gets kind of frustrating sometimes.
and there are times when i think that it's because i'm not fully healed my self. how am i expected to help others when i am still struggling. well, quite frankly, that's crap. i know that God uses our weaknesses. in our brokeness, He is complete. but it's one thing to know that and believe it, and another thing to truly feel it in your heart. that might not even make much sense. i don't know.
could that be the problem? that i don't know? for instance, i feel like God wants to show one of my friends what a father truely is because i feel like his did was never much of a father to him. the problem is that i don't necissarily have the deepest relationship with this person, so i don't know anything about his relationship with his dad. i think his parents are divorced, but i'm not even sure about that. i just don't know, which makes starting a conversation about it rather awkward.
well, for someone who doesn't really know what to say, i managed to write a bit. i'm not sure if anything is profound or life changing, but maybe that isn't my job. maybe i'm just supposed to be here, and trust that God is doing something.
i think that so many days, i walk around and feel like i have done absolutly nothing in people's lives. i feel like i have this amazing love and joy and healing in God and that i should be spreading it to every one that i know, so they don't have to hurt any more. but i look at the lives of people that i have known for years and i don't really see much healing. it often times feels like i am failing them. now i'm leaving for college after this summer. it kind of scares me that there are people i know that i won't see or talk to very much next year who are still so broken. how can i heal them it i'm not there? and then i have to realize how self centered that is, because it's not me doing the healing. it's God. but i still feel like i should be doing more and i'm not always sure how, or even if i can. it gets kind of frustrating sometimes.
and there are times when i think that it's because i'm not fully healed my self. how am i expected to help others when i am still struggling. well, quite frankly, that's crap. i know that God uses our weaknesses. in our brokeness, He is complete. but it's one thing to know that and believe it, and another thing to truly feel it in your heart. that might not even make much sense. i don't know.
could that be the problem? that i don't know? for instance, i feel like God wants to show one of my friends what a father truely is because i feel like his did was never much of a father to him. the problem is that i don't necissarily have the deepest relationship with this person, so i don't know anything about his relationship with his dad. i think his parents are divorced, but i'm not even sure about that. i just don't know, which makes starting a conversation about it rather awkward.
well, for someone who doesn't really know what to say, i managed to write a bit. i'm not sure if anything is profound or life changing, but maybe that isn't my job. maybe i'm just supposed to be here, and trust that God is doing something.
Monday, April 14, 2008
i know this is kind of a older song by brave saint saturn, but i recently discovered it and i really like it.
did you hear the news today i'm not coming home, no and i wished it all away i felt so alone and the darkness crept it's way like stars we know will die too soon there is never any sunrise here in the shadows of eclipsing moons crawling on a tightrope the bravest thing i have is hope
daylight, save me daylight, save me tonight, tonight
halogen, the lights will flicker incadescent burning lies and the silence stands for nothing desperate i search the skies aching for a spark trembling in pitchest dark
Mission Control: U.S.S. Gloria, this is mission control, do you copy? we have lost contact with the U.S.S. Gloria
U.S.S. Gloria: Mission Control, this is the U.S.S. Gloria, do you read me? Mayday, we have lost primary guidance functions
News Reporter: The crew is now out of radio contact. presently there is no way for us to know whether they are alive or dead. our hopes and prayers go out with you all.
Mission Control: U.S.S. Gloria, this is mission control, do you copy?
U.S.S. Gloria: Houston this is the U.S.S. Gloria. good to hear your voice we are coming out of the eclipse now. i see the sunlight. it's beautiful the sunlight is beautiful.
Jesus Christ, Light of the World You never did forget me and when i bled in darkness, You held me still held me when desparate nights i cursed You You loved me, still loved me Jesus Christ, You dry the tears You break my heart of stone Your words are life cut marrow through the darkness, to the bone a heart of flesh You gave me only You can save me
Savior Daylight I am coming home
did you hear the news today i'm not coming home, no and i wished it all away i felt so alone and the darkness crept it's way like stars we know will die too soon there is never any sunrise here in the shadows of eclipsing moons crawling on a tightrope the bravest thing i have is hope
daylight, save me daylight, save me tonight, tonight
halogen, the lights will flicker incadescent burning lies and the silence stands for nothing desperate i search the skies aching for a spark trembling in pitchest dark
Mission Control: U.S.S. Gloria, this is mission control, do you copy? we have lost contact with the U.S.S. Gloria
U.S.S. Gloria: Mission Control, this is the U.S.S. Gloria, do you read me? Mayday, we have lost primary guidance functions
News Reporter: The crew is now out of radio contact. presently there is no way for us to know whether they are alive or dead. our hopes and prayers go out with you all.
Mission Control: U.S.S. Gloria, this is mission control, do you copy?
U.S.S. Gloria: Houston this is the U.S.S. Gloria. good to hear your voice we are coming out of the eclipse now. i see the sunlight. it's beautiful the sunlight is beautiful.
Jesus Christ, Light of the World You never did forget me and when i bled in darkness, You held me still held me when desparate nights i cursed You You loved me, still loved me Jesus Christ, You dry the tears You break my heart of stone Your words are life cut marrow through the darkness, to the bone a heart of flesh You gave me only You can save me
Savior Daylight I am coming home
Saturday, April 12, 2008
God the Father
i was just down in savannah with my mom and brother. at one point, we were sitting on these giant marble steps by the jepson museum of art, waiting for it to open. there were a couple of other people near by also waiting. next to us was a family, the mom, dad, and two little kids. the little girl stood up on the edge of the top step and was so excited that she could see everything around her. then her dad lifted her up and set her down on a lower step and told her that she couldn't stand up there. she threw an absolute fit. the girl started crying and asked her dad why she couldn't stand there and kept saying that she wanted to go back. he told her it was because the ground was hard, the edge was sharp, and it was a long way down. he said that he knew she would fall and didn't want to see her get hurt.
we are so much like that little girl. we climb up onto these dangerous places and are so excited at where we got ourselves. and then God comes along and tells us that we can't be there. we all have a different step that we climb up on top of, whether it is partying, pride, selfishness, lying, greed, or something else. we get so angry at God when He tells us we shouldn't be there. we cry and scream and get angry at Him and always ask the inevitable question:why? and the answer is simple: the ground is hard, the edge is sharp, and it's a long way down. He knows that we will fall, and He wants to protect us. but very much like that little girl, we want our own way. i thought that it was a beautiful picture of God.
we are so much like that little girl. we climb up onto these dangerous places and are so excited at where we got ourselves. and then God comes along and tells us that we can't be there. we all have a different step that we climb up on top of, whether it is partying, pride, selfishness, lying, greed, or something else. we get so angry at God when He tells us we shouldn't be there. we cry and scream and get angry at Him and always ask the inevitable question:why? and the answer is simple: the ground is hard, the edge is sharp, and it's a long way down. He knows that we will fall, and He wants to protect us. but very much like that little girl, we want our own way. i thought that it was a beautiful picture of God.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
to a friend
so i write this about a friend a few weeks ago, but i thought i would put it here because it kind of explains how i feel about a lot of people.
you'll never know how many nights i have spent crying
because of the pain i see in you.
you'll never know how many prayers i have prayed for you.
you don't know how your words pierce my heart
and run through my mind.
you'll never know that my heart breaks for you
and that i would give my life for you to know God.
i can only hope that no mater what happens,
God will protect you and keep you untill that day comes
because there is someone asking Him to.
i know who you will be.
you'll never know how many nights i have spent crying
because of the pain i see in you.
you'll never know how many prayers i have prayed for you.
you don't know how your words pierce my heart
and run through my mind.
you'll never know that my heart breaks for you
and that i would give my life for you to know God.
i can only hope that no mater what happens,
God will protect you and keep you untill that day comes
because there is someone asking Him to.
i know who you will be.
Friday, March 7, 2008
how do i make them understand
that it's not about me being right
or me being better.i am nothing.
it's Him.
it's out of love,out of private tears
cried at night
for them.
it's out of the ache deep inside of me
when i think of their hurt
and emptiness,
and how they're breaking my heart
without even knowing.
that it's not about me being right
or me being better.i am nothing.
it's Him.
it's out of love,out of private tears
cried at night
for them.
it's out of the ache deep inside of me
when i think of their hurt
and emptiness,
and how they're breaking my heart
without even knowing.
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