Sunday, October 5, 2008


so i went on a retreat this weekend with the ministry i have been getting involved in (ccf). it was awesome. it was cool to have some time to rest in Go'd's presence after having a very hectic week, and i got to build some amazing relationships. but one of the coolest things was star gazing at night.

a few of us went down to a field that was out of sight from the cabin lights. we were in north georgia, in the mountains, so there was no other light pollution. we lay in the field and just looked up at the sky. i honestly don't think that i have ever seen so many stars in my life. it was absolutely captivating, and such an impressive display of God's glory. i also saw several shooting stars.

i started to think a lot about the light pollution in my life; the light that is so close and bright that you can't see much light in the distance. i am always surrounded by thoughts of what i need to do, how i feel, how i think someone perceives me, and basically anything that has to do with me. i surround myself so much with of my own light, that i can't see very many stars. i can't see the people around me that are so brilliant and beautiful. i miss out on relationships, and fail to see God reflected in other's lives because i can't see past myself.

so what would happen if i could step out of myself, my light pollution, and look around. how many people would i be able to truly see for the first time?

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